Dairy & Plants

Looking Back to a Successful Approach From the Past...

Eat Breakfast Change Your Life

Looking Back to a Successful Approach From the Past...

Eat Breakfast Change Your Life Without Breakfast You're Not All There

How It Evolved to Phase II

Eat Breakfast Change Your Life Erase Hunger

Now We've Deconstructed the Current Challenge...

Convey the message that Dairy & Plants Go Well Together... OK

Recipes with ingredients from both groups…


Now We've Deconstructed the Current Challenge...

What does this achieve?

Protects the interests of Dairy Farmers while being cooperative with Plant Forward advocates… Somewhat

Now We've Deconstructed the Current Challenge...

Needs to do more. Why?

A truly balanced meal consists of dairy, fruits & vegetables, proteins and grains, plus healthy fats

Payoff: Have a Well Balanced Meal

Click on the boxes below to see the Payoff

Still Not Enough.

We also need to explain why it matters:
A well balanced meal contributes to a well balanced life!

This campaign should educate about the fact that good nutrition through balanced meals leads to overall good health – balanced bodies and minds!

Key Position/Platform

All messaging comes back to this:
Dairy & Plants work together to help students achieve life balance through nutritionally balanced school meals

While adults can make decisions to skip meals or limit certain food groups –

young growing bodies must have balanced nutrition from Dairy, Plants and all food groups.

The Big Conceptual Connection

Balanced Meals for Balanced Lives Dairy & Plants together

As with “Eat Breakfast Change Your Life,” this theme will take on a branded identity in the form of a logo, to be applied across multiple platforms and programs:

Balanced Meals for Balanced Lives Dairy & Plants together

As we focus on students achieving better balance, this graphic device – depicting a perfectly balanced tower of food items – will be used to emphasize how Dairy and Plants make it all possible.

Now What?

Illustrating The concept

The theme is captured in a depiction of students’ unmet nutritional needs. We’re promoting “balance” by demonstrating that young people’s lives would be “off balance” without the benefits of both Dairy & Plants.

Off Balance Students become our instantly recognizable heros. Their need for nutritional balance – and life balance – is obvious, and Dairy & Plants is how they’ll achieve it.

Extending the theme: This Concept Has Legs

The Off Balance Student may be seen in any situation:

Off Balance Students, and the Accompanying Theme, May Become Part of:

Off Balance Students, and the Accompanying Theme, May Become Part of:

Inclusion in Messaging for:

Balanced theme may be used to promote any program (for example):

Breakfast in School:

Start every day the balanced way – add dairy & plants to your school breakfast

Yogurt All Ways:

Yogurt Berry Smoothies bring balanced nutrition and great taste

Just Say Cheese or Rethink Pizza:

Balanced nutrients from cheese and veggies makes a pizza that’s hard to top!

Every promotion of dairy foods can be depicted as another way to bring
life balance through
nutritional balance

Although “plant messaging” is featured, the idea is completely "owned by Dairy":

Logo, theme and “Off Balance Students” will primarily show that Dairy and Plants are mutually beneficial

At the same time, it will be highly effective in promotional materials with more traditional dairy-only messaging

Dairy will control the “balance” theme and may use it with or without emphasizing the plant aspect

Extensions Throughout the School, and Beyond

Go beyond promoting plant/dairy-forward recipes, to show how they can be part of a complete wellness effort (nutrition and fitness and lifelong success)

Extensions Throughout the School, and Beyond

Reach Beyond With Related Messaging

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